My GigE Vision camera status shows it as disconnected
- Open the “Connect” tab of the camera and check “Enable” in the “Force IP” box.
- Specify an IP address that uses the same subnet as the IP address of your connected network. The IP address of the connected network will be shown in the “Device Information” section as “Connected Host IP Address”. Your camera's current IP Address will be shown in the “Device Information” section as “IP Address”. For example, if your connected network IP address is and the network subnet is, a good choice for your camera's IP address would be
- Enter the subnet to use for your camera in the “Subnet” field. To see your connected network subnet, open Command Prompt and type “ipconfig”. Your subnet is listed as “Subnet Mask”, as shown below. The “Subnet” field should match your connected network subnet.
- Click "Apply" to save the changes.
- Press “Reconnect/Rescan” to connect to the camera. Since the camera and network are on the same subnet, they will successfully communicate.
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