Fix for problem streaming multiple U3V cameras simultaneously

Fix for problem streaming multiple U3V cameras simultaneously

This article applies if you are trying to stream multiple USB3 Vision cameras simultaneously and one or some of your cameras show "No frame available". First try streaming each camera individually. If all cameras work individually but not simultaneously then this article applies to you.

To fix cameras which are not receiving frames follow these steps:
  1. Stop streaming all cameras
  2. Go to the first camera widget. On the Control->Connect tab, under the Advanced group, click the Set a transfer limit checkbox.
  3. Reduce the transfer limit to 24.
  4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 for all cameras.
  5. Stream all cameras.

If some cameras are still not streaming, try reducing the transfer limit setting even further (for example to 16). Keep repeating steps 1-5 until all cameras are streaming. If the maximum frame rate for the cameras is lower than expected, try slowly increasing the transfer limit setting. Note: the Max transfer size setting should be set to 0 (the default) for optimal performance when setting a transfer limit.